We’ve had a rough few weeks, so to combat all the stress in the Temkiewicz household, I’m trying to focus on the positive. My musings below encompass 10 moments or realities that make me happy.

1. I was in the basement doing laundry the other day and I heard Ember’s rapid footsteps above me in the kitchen. I closed my eyes and pictured her goofy run–arms out, feet moving as fast as possible–and I smiled. I will miss the sound of toddler feet someday, I’m sure. 

2. Ivy is starting to smile, and it melts me. She is such an easy, sweet baby. 

3. When Rob gets home from work, he often spends a few minutes playing with Ember. I wish I could bottle the sound of her giggling and save it to open any time I needed to smile. She giggles for him in a way she giggles for no one else. It’s adorable. 

4. My maternity leave is ending soon, so I’m cherishing the baby snuggles. Unlike how Ember was as a baby, Ivy loves to snuggle and sometimes I do nothing but snuggle her warm little body. 

5. Though I love Ember’s nonsensical jabbering, she is starting to say words, and it’s fun. She gets so excited when we get excited, and her joy is contagious. My favorite is when she claps for herself. 

6. I could watch Ivy sleep for an inordinate amount of time. I love when she sleeps with her little fists curled next to her face. 

7. I love our nighttime ritual with Ember: bath (usually), milk, music, book, and bed. I love it. I love the repetition of playing the same song and reading the same books and receiving her kisses. I love hunting for her loveys and plopping her into her crib. The ritual is for her, but it’s soothing for me as well. 

8. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I love how cozy our house is this time of year. It’s no secret that I’m dying to move into our new house. But because we are limited to a few rooms in this house, we’re all stuck together. Sometimes that’s challenging, but it is cozy, and it does lend for more family time. Most evenings, all six of us (two dogs, too) are in one room together. I may miss that when we move into the new house and have more space. 

9. I’m grateful for all the hard work my husband has put into our home build. The amount of stress he’s encountered these last 6 months is enormous. He shoulders most of it and doesn’t complain. He could do what I do, which is to ramble on and on and constantly vent. But he doesn’t. He carries the weight and leaves me out of it. He’s taught me sometimes it’s best not to say something. Many times, silence is the best answer. 
10. This blog has become a space for me to work through my struggles and realities as a newish mom. I look forward to working on this project every week and to baring my soul to you, kind people, who read it. Though it may not seem like it, this blog is a bright spot in my life. So, thank you, dear readers.

Though times have been tough, I’m grateful for this life we are building. And as messy and stressful as it is right now, I know we can survive it and come out stronger on the other side.  All I need is to hold my husband’s hand and cherish my girls. When I look at our girls, I know we’re doing something right.