Baby Names- The Struggle is Real

I’ve always loved names and their meanings. As a teenager, I checked baby name books out of the library simply because I enjoyed learning what names meant. Naming characters in my writing is fun for me as well.

Naming my children, however, has been a challenge. I struggled to come up with a girl name I loved during Ember’s pregnancy, and I didn’t stumble on Ember until the beginning of my third trimester. However, I knew immediately that I loved it. I was nervous to mention it my husband because if he hated it, then it was off the table, and I needed him to like it. When I finally mustered up the courage to mention it to Rob he said, “Huh. I’ve never heard that as a name before.” And I replied with, “Exactly!” Rob wasn’t crazy about it at first, but he agreed to consider it. We had a list of 5 or so names, and I said that I needed to see her before we officially chose a name. She was born with a full head of strawberry blonde hair, and we both agreed upon seeing her post-birth that Ember Eve was perfect for her. (NOTE: I had a list of middle names and Rob chose Eve, so major kudos to him for the perfect combination.)

I love her name; I love both Ember and Ember Eve. I didn’t intend to call her by both names, but I do at least 50% of time. Her name is relatively unique, and I love that about it. But I think that makes naming baby girl #2 even harder since we set the bar so high with kid #1.

 I’m struggling again with baby girl #2. I like lots of boy names, but I’m not wild about any girl names. I gave Rob a list of names, and he has called them “eccentric,” which is sort of true. I can admit it…I am sure it isn’t easy naming kids with a partner like me. I like earthy, unique names. I like names that are different but not so weird that you can’t spell or pronounce them, but I prefer names that aren’t anywhere near the top 100 baby names in popularity. I also want the name to sound OK with Ember Eve. These girls are going to be very close in age, so I want their names to sound like a little pair. I like all the names on the list I gave him, but none have clicked the way Ember did during my first pregnancy. I keep hoping that one will hit me that way, but I’m not sure it’ll happen.

This pregnancy has been both easy and difficult simultaneously. It’s been easy in the sense that I haven’t had many serious issues or complications. I didn’t feel well in the beginning, but it was manageable. I don’t feel well now, but again, it’s manageable. This pregnancy is difficult because I wasn’t quite ready for it, and Ember Eve exhausts me. I know I keep saying it, and it’s probably an annoying refrain at this point, but I’ve never been so worn out in my life. Between working and taking care of EE, building a house, and juggling everything else life requires, I am so tired most evenings that I struggle to get ready for bed. This pregnancy is difficult because I feel guilty that EE is going to have to share me so soon, and I’m far more emotional this time around. The bottom line is that I’m so busy and so frantic all the time that I haven’t appreciated this pregnancy or baby #2 very much, which of course also makes me feel guilty (it’s a fun cycle of guilt!).

I’d like to feel more connected to this baby, and it may seem dumb, but thinking of a name I love would really help. My husband said he’s working on his list, and I am crossing my fingers that he thinks of something that makes me go, YES–that’s it! (No pressure, Rob!)

Unless baby 2 comes super early (and I hope she doesn’t), we still have time to discover a name we love, and in the meantime, I’m going to try to relax and enjoy it all. For the moment, I’m going to enjoy that Ember Eve is sound asleep and I have a few moments to myself! (Truth: The reality is that instead of relaxing, I will probably clean up the mess that she created this morning and will recreate the moment she wakes and begins blazing through this house again at warp speed.)

(Photo: Ember Eve admiring the elephants at the zoo with her grandpa)